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Majordomo List Owner's Guide

A list owner is the person responsible for maintaining a mailing list. Primarily what this involves is seeing that the list of addresses it resends mail to is current. Other responsibilities depend on the list but can include dealing with bounced messages, approving messages sent to the distribution address before they are resent, writing a short description of the list, and guiding the tone or the direction of the discussion.

Majordomo is a mailing list management program. Essentially, it's a tool to help the list owners manage their lists. It is designed to handle the routine administration of mailing lists automatically, minimizing the work the list owners need to do personally. Owners should send e-mail to majordomo@drugsense.org with the following commands in the body of the message.


approve password subscribe list address

Instruct Majordomo to add address to list.

approve password unsubscribe list address

Instruct Majordomo to delete address from list.

approve password who list

Instruct Majordomo to send you the distribution list.

newinfo list password

Update the informational message for list with the text which follows on subsequent lines. No formatting of the message occurs, so the list owner should be careful to constrain the message to eighty columns. Majordomo will include everything up to the string EOF or to the end of the mail message, whichever comes first.

For more information, see The Gory Details and http://greatcircle.com/majordomo/