I received this question by e-mail:

I am a high school student doing a research paper, on the use of marijuana for medical purposes, I was wondering if you could send me an e-mail telling me why you think marijuana is moral or not, why or why not?

My response:

Treating a sick person with medicine approved by his or her doctor is moral. 
To deny any treatment authorized by a licensed doctor is immoral. 
What is my definition of moral and immoral? 
Moral is not physically harming the person (body) or property of another without his or her consent. 
Immoral is physically harming the person (body) or property of another without his or her consent. 
To prevent a person from taking medication to treat an illness is doing that person physical harm, therefore immoral. 
To take a medicine to restore health, make another medical procedure (such as chemotherapy, or, in my case, AIDS combination therapy) possible, or to ease pain and suffering, is moral. 
Thank you for asking.